Monday 10 February 2014


Karla Black on materiality, I like her relationship with materials and the outcome they announce. She uses a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Using a degree of the DIY aesthetic I am wishing to pursue. 

Using materials such as bath bombs, cellophane, nail varnish, lip gloss and shampoo but along with more substantial materials such as water colour to create these really sort of ethereal sculptures. From looking at the sculptures you cannot always presume the materials, and this is something I am keen to capture in my own work. Using such household diy and cosmetic products but in a way of delicate of touch, not always to be presumed as to their origin.

  Nail varnish, acrylic ink, glitter and silicone sealer on veil netting.
I want to add to this use of surprise DIY materials.

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