Thursday 13 February 2014

Outward facing aproach

The whole experience of working towards the Paris exhibition definitely moved my work forward. Firstly the push of the work having to be good enough, when the pressure is not solely being applied by yourself, I think it made me more meticulous and there is a sense of pride there that you don't want to represent yourself badly.

Photograph from Paris courtesy of Elnaz Yazdani

The work is now also going to be exhibited at Stockport Art Gallery in a couple of weeks. This will allow for an opportunity that due to the timing of Paris was unfortunately not possible before, that I will be able to put up and curate the work myself. I feel like this will be a good learning experience and will give me a chance to play around with the arrangements.

I have enjoyed the experience of working towards an exhibition, considering the work in a different manor. It is something I would like to do in the future as well as creating for the body also.

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