Saturday 17 May 2014

Lucy Folk

Lucy Folk is an Australian Jewellery Designer whoms collections of pieces are set to groups and types of food. Even though for this moment in time I am currently no longer embarking on the jewellery direction, I have found her to have been relevant to my fabric samples. The more I make the more my fabrics are resembling food. As I make I feel like I am cooking, weighing out ingredients and icing buns.

Though Lucy Folk normally represents this in quite a literal fashion, her latest collection entitled Dip is slightly more abstract, where she "submerges signature staples in classic condiments".

"the Fabulous French Fries Necklace is a handful of yummy french fries in yarn dunked in a spiced salsa of peppercorn, orange agate and gems."

Similar to my intentions, she uses a combination of the literal and the abstract to form something of intrigue. 

Latex islands, caves of cotton wool, the beginnings on a delectable iced bun?

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