Thursday, 22 May 2014


To evaluate.
I have found this unit X project to be quite an odd one for me as a creative practitioner but I feel like I have learnt alot. It has left me with a thirst for knowledge and skill, a desire to not cut the cord here.

I found parts of this project quite difficult and as a result of that, I lost a fair bit of time. I was struggling with my output and got caught thinking that for myself I had to come out with a finished design product. Although I resent the time I wasted during this period, I do not regret it as I feel it is all part of the design process and has helped me get to the stage I am currently residing at. It is through my own error that I misdirected some of this time, where I let the fun deteriorate in an attempt to become something I didn't need to be, by focusing on the design and function of a headpiece, I lost the joy of creating fabrics.

To where I am now I am pleased with my progress, I am not altogether satisfied with my samples and feel there is much room for furthering and developing them but I am enjoying their growth. I feel I have managed to begin to capture some of the ideals I work towards, building up peculiar landscapes of not obviously identifiable materials. They are primarily designed for the intent of fashion fabrics but I like that they lead themselves to many other directions.

I think my materiality could have been slightly more adventurous. The use of the silicone and latex has worked well. I feel I work well with painterly DIY materials, I like the idea of utilizing them in an alternative context. But I feel quite safe with these and in the future think I need to branch out a little further, acting as a magpie for the weird and the wonderful.

In terms of process and technique I also believe I have allowed my horizons to be broadened a little in this project which I believe is all useful experience for the professional world. Now having experience with the lazor cutter and embroidery machines. Also as of this week, whilst trying out different options for the portfolio, I learnt alot more about photography and have picked up some basic Photoshop skills.

I feel I work through stepping stones in my design process, starting small and safe and then gradually building from stone to stone. I feel this can be seen in both the practice and unit X unit. It is therefore I want to carry on building, I feel the scale of these fantasy landscapes I am creating has yet to amount to all it could be. This is something I hope to explore more outside of this project.

Overall I am indeed quite happy with how this project has turned out, I am proud of how I turned it around and excited by the possibilities that could await.

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