Wednesday 29 January 2014

Resin, Expanding Foam and Foam Clay

I have been looking to use materials that can be used to have a natural bulbous effect, an ease to size up.

I tried expanding foam, which was so fun to use and I can see it has great potential, but I have yet to have had a chance to really play with it, it is something I have plans to forward within Unit X.

 I have been using resin throughout the project, but it has never really come to any concluded answers. I had the idea of covering one of my bulbous chains with it. I thought this would leave a lovely glossy bulbous growths on it. I didn't really think it through, I think it could be achieved but would need layers. Something successful also came out of this experiment, I had some left over resin, so put some old chain samples into some old resin molds that I had made earlier in the project. These came out really interesting, little growths on the side of delicate chains.

The pink and orange beaded type things is foam clay, a super crafty material, with a super fun application. Perfect for bulbous interventions.

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